Using the PIO to Interface a PS/2 Keyboard

One of the most intriguing features of the RP2040 used in the Raspberry Pi Pico is the PIO - Programmable Input/Output. It allows us to execute small programs that handle digital input and output independently to the ARM Cortex M0+ Cores.

For my first study of the PIO I decided to interface a PS/2 keyboard. In the past I have interfaced one of these keyboards to a Arduino Nano, reading the bits one by one in an interrupt generated by the clock signal. Using the PIO, the main processor will receive a complete byte in one go.

An old but working PS/2 keyboard

The PS/2 keyboard interface is simple. It uses one clock and one data line, both driven by the keyboard when a key is pressed (I am ignoring the case where the PC sends a command to the keyboard). Both lines are normally high, a transition from high to low in the clock line signals a bit. A total of 11 bits are sent by the keyboard: one start, eight data bits (low first), parity and stop:

The figure bellow shows the pinout of the PS/2 connector:
The keyboard sends, in most cases, one byte when a key is pressed (the scancode). When a key is released, it sends two bytes: F0 and the scancode. Some keys (extended keys) generate two bytes when pressed (E0 scancode) and three when released (E0,F0 scancode).

You can find a full description of the PIO in the RP2040 datasheet. In a nutshell:
  • The RP2040 has two PIO blocks
  • Each PIO block has four independently running state machines.
  • Each PIO block has a program memory, shared by the four state machines, with room for 32 PIO instructions.

Each PIO state machine has:

  • Two 32 bit shift registers
  • Access to all 30 GPIO pins for digital input and output (four of these bits are used for connecting the Flash memory and should not be messed)
  • Access to two 32 bits, four position, queues for bidirectional communication with the ARM cores. and DMA. If you are communicating only in one direction, you can reconfigure them to a single 8 position queue.

There are only nine PIO instructions: JMP, WAIT, IN, OUT, PUSH, PULL, MOV, IRQ, e SET. Writing a program from scratch can be daunting. Thankfully the Raspberry Foundation gives many examples in

In our case the can start from the "clocked input" example: reading bits signaled by clock pulses. In this example the PIO program has only three instructions (wrap_target and wrap affect the configuration):

    wait 0 pin 1
    wait 1 pin 1
    in pins, 1
What this does is wait for the clock signal to go to low (0) level, wait for the clock signal to go to high (1) level, read a bit from a GPIO and shift it into the shift register, them go back to the beginning of the program (thanks to the configuration done by wrap).

The rest is taken care in the state machine configuration. There we specify the data and clock pins, the shift direction and the number of bits to shift before pushing the result into the receive queue.

For the PS/2 keyboard we need to do a few changes in this example:
  • The rest state for the clock is high, the data is sampled in the falling edge
  • We have a total of 11 bits
I decided to do a quick test using MicroPython. MicroPython in the Pi Pico does support the PIO, but documentation is a little sketchy. After looking at the Python SDK manual, the examples at github and the Micro Python site, I put together this code:

import time
import rp2
from machine import Pin

# in_shiftdir=rp2.PIO.SHIFT_RIGHT -> shift received bits to right
# autopush=True, push_thresh=11   -> push to receive queue when 11 bits are shifted
# fifo_join=rp2.PIO.JOIN_RX       -> join tx queue into rx queue
@rp2.asm_pio(in_shiftdir=rp2.PIO.SHIFT_RIGHT, autopush=True, push_thresh=11, fifo_join=rp2.PIO.JOIN_RX)
def rdKbd():
    wait (1, pin, 1)
    wait (0, pin, 1)
    in_ (pins, 1)

# Configure input pins
pin14 = Pin(14, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pin15 = Pin(15, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)

# A 100kHz clock for the State Machine is enough for the (around) 10kHz clock of the keyboard
# Input pin numbers for the State Machine start at pin 14
sm = rp2.StateMachine(0, rdKbd, freq=100000, in_base=pin14)

# Activate the State Machine

while True:
    # sm.get() waits for a value in the rx queue and returns it
    # The shift and and discard the start, parity and stop bits and align the scan code to the right
    key = (sm.get() >> 22) & 0xFF
    print ('Key = {:02X}'.format(key))
The figure bellow shows the connections between the keyboard and the Pi Pico. A pair of resistors are used as a voltage divisor to reduce the 5V used by the keyboard to the 3.3V accepted by the Pi Pico.  

You can use the Thonny IDE to run this code and observe the received scancodes. For example, pressing F9 we get scancode 01, releasing F9 we get F0 01.


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